On 27th November’ 2015 evening, Dr Deepak Goyal hosted dinner in capacity of the President of Indian Cartilage Society, on the eve of its 3rd Congress. International and national faculties were invited to the dinner along with the local eminent personalities.
Mr Siddhartha Khatri, Deputy Municipal Commissioner of Ahmedabad was also present and he was introduced to the eminent faculties from different corners of the world. Faculties had come from USA, Switzerland, UAE, Taiwan, Iran and from various parts of India. Dr Goyal introduced the historical importance of Ahmedabad to the guests and concept of “Khadi”. Guests were honored with the ‘Khadi Koti’ as a remembrance to their visit to the city of Ahmedabad.
Dr Deepak Goyal also introduced the concept of Joint Preservation and requested Mr Khatri and other important members of the society to support Indian Cartilage Society campaign, “Preserve The Joints”. A t-shirt to carry the Presidential theme was shown to the guests and they were requested to wear the T-shirt so that message of joint preservation spreads in the society.