
Case Study # 6.

Steroid Induced Bilateral Osteonecrosis of The Knee Joints

Case Study # 6.

An eighteen years old teen had approached us with severe pain in both the knee joints in 2015. He was not able to stand or walk, had stopped all the sports activities and was on crutches. He also had tremendous rest pain and was not able to sleep at night. He had been taking steroids to treat his bilateral acute renal failure, prescribed somewhere else. 

Prof Deepak Goyal clinched a rare diagnosis of steroid induced osteonecrosis (Dead bones) of the knee on both sides. The osteonecrosis had developed due to long term overuse of steroids. His bone ends around the knee joint were virtually avascular (without blood supply) and the dead bones were giving him so much of pain. At such a small age of 18 years, he was advised a knee replacement surgery.

Dr Goyal from Saumya Arthroscopy and Sports Knee Clinic firmly believed that there has to be a joint preservation option. He performed a rare surgery to revitalize the dead bones. The boy got relieved of his pains within one week of surgery, followed by gradual recovery to his day to day activities and then sporting activities. More than 5 years have passed, the boy is now a mature adult. He is totally pain-free and is able to do all his routine and sporting activities, without any difficulties.

Dr Goyal and SKC, both are very happy to see the long term results and are happy to share the results.

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